At the same time, our developers sought to standardize communication (and load balancing, redundancy, configuration management etc. issues that come with it) between separately deployed components and stuck with ICE. So, keen to play around with the new technology, they conducted some tests and a decision was made to use it for the newly created lump of business logic.
Historically, most of our business logic has resided within our databases. Not a bad decision at all given the horizontal and vertical splitting technology plus Postgres know-how we have in-house. However, this also meant that most of the knowledge of billing and routing internals resided with people who knew databases and were not about to start writing C++ code overnight, especially when it usually did not make any sense to ship data to a remote component for decision-making.
As a result, we ended up with a fairly slim layer of logic between the calling infrastructure and the database that, at the first glimpse, did very little but call a bunch of stored procedures. Of course, come time to deploy the thing, our operations people came asking why the heck they needed to support (and make highly available) an additional component that didn't add any value at all. Which was the rebellion at the beginning of the story.
So we discussed. And ended up with an understanding that in terms of design, developers still find value in that layer as the decision _which_ procedures to call is quite significant. Also, the data structures that get passed between it and the calling infrastructure are complex and it would be unwise to build serialization into flat structures required by the database into all of the calling systems. Some of the supportability concerns (but not all) the ops guys had could actually be solved quite easily, too. No major change in the architecture, then.
The reason I'm writing about this event is that there are several very important conclusions to draw from this event
- Your architectural decisions should take into account the organization you operate with. In some other situation, the very idea of moving logic from a middleware layer to a database would have been pure lunacy (most of the organizations struggle to do the opposite) but given the stuff our DBAs pull of on a regular basis it's not that bad
- Challenges are valuable, regular ones are even better. No design decision should be cast to stone, no concept should be considered OK only because "this is the way things are done". Although, most of the cases you still end up retaining the original idea, sometimes you don't. And this is where architectural evolution happens
- Work closely with the operations people. They provide very good reality check. Helps with deployment griefs, too
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